Sunday, January 30, 2011

January 2011 Recap

We had a busy month to start out 2011! (While there will continue to be lots of blog postings during the month, our plan is to update this blog at the end of each month with a recap of the most exciting things we did.)

The month started out with Jack’s last single-digit birthday. The night before his birthday –the last day of Christmas vacation before everyone headed back to school – Dad and Jack went ice skating, Mom and Jack went to Starbucks to play some board games, and then the whole family went to a great crab restaurant on Lake Bellevue for a crab-fest (Jack’s favorite food). Jack was very excited about his birthday presents – in particular a fish tank with three fish he got to pick out! Jack also started playing basketball this month – he played in three games and scored a total of four baskets. 

It’s also a Harry Potter month – Henry is quite excited to finish the first Harry Potter book, and then watches the first movie! Plus all five of us go to the Pacific Science Center for a big Harry Potter exhibit – full of props from the films – Harry’s wand, the sorting hat, Hagrid’s hut, etc. etc. 

A highlight for Joseph this month is a one-on-one outing with Dad in which we climb Mount Si – a very prominent peak in the Cascades about 30 miles east of Seattle. It’s a 8 mile hike – 4 miles straight up and 4 miles straight down – far more strenuous than we’ve done in the past. The last three-fourths of a mile or so are past the snow line, and a bit icy with the steep grade. The view would be amazing but it’s a bit of an overcast day – we’ll have to return on a clearer day in the summer. 

All five of us end the month on a chilly day at Mariners Fan Fest – baseball season is just around the corner. The kids get to catch fly balls in the outfield, have their pitches clocked by a radar gun, and walk through the players’ clubhouse. In general the weather has been much milder than the East Coast – no snow accumulation this month at all, and temperatures mostly in the 40’s. 

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