Monday, September 7, 2020

Maple Pass Hike

Continuing (and finishing!) our quest to complete the top ten hikes in Seattle, on Labor Day weekend we hiked Maple Pass Loop, far into North Cascades National Park. Mary Jo joined us as well, though Joseph spent his final weekend before heading to Grad School with friends so he was not able to do the hike. 

It was a long drive to get there (three hours from home), and we left very early. Even still, by the time we arrived it was fairly crowded, and with the hike being a loop we walked along a line and had a line passing us for part of the hike. The first half of the hike was a steep climb up, though there were beautiful views of lakes and mountains for the last half of that, and the view from Maple Pass was stunning. Then a long walk down; in total a seven mile hike. 

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