Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome To Our Blog !

Now that we've gotten a bit more settled in Seattle, we've launched this blog as a way for everyone to keep in touch with what we are doing out on the West Coast. Joseph is our family 'blogmaster' and has written a few posts below. More posts will follow from everyone in the family. We plan to update this blog regularly with our family activities, updates, and photos.

Also, check out the links to the right - we will be using a website called Flickr as our virtual family photo album, with current photos of our family. (Right now we just have four photos loaded, but more will come). You can follow the link to get to the site.

We also have a link to our YouTube page which has our family videos. These haven't been updated since May, but more current ones will be coming.

                                                                                        -Written by John

10/24 - Henry's First Tooth!

          Last night, Henry lost his first tooth! It fell out on the carpet in Jack's Room, but Joseph found it eventually. Henry put it under his pillow, and got some money from the tooth fairy! Henry now has a small hole in his mouth, where his tooth used to be.

                                                                       -Written by Joseph Rodgers

Here's a picture of Henry's new smile:

10/23 - Lots of Deer!

          On Saturday, we saw lots of deer walking through our neighborhood. One of them was really big, and had a really big pair of antlers. It was raining, but I still went outside and took a few pictures. There were three deer, and they seemed to be a family. We watched them until they ran away into the woods behind our neighborhood.

                                                                          -Written by Joseph Rodgers

Here are some photos I took of the deer:

A picture of the biggest deer

 Another picture of the big deer

Saturday, October 23, 2010

10/17 - Hike to the top of Tiger Mountain!

          This weekend, our entire family hiked to the top of Tiger Mountain. We saw some neat views of Mt. Rainier, Lake Washington, and the Bellevue and Seattle skylines. The hike was in Issaquah, a town right next to Bellevue.We hiked through a forest, and the hike went steadily up hill. There were two viewpoints, one on each side of the mountain. One had a view of Mt. Rainier and the cascades, the other had a view of Bellevue, Lake Washington, and behind the lake, a view of Seattle. At the second viewpoint, there were a few people launching paragliders, and landing in a field at the botton of the mountain. On the way back, the trail was very steep, and sometimes we couldn't keep ourselves from running a little.

                                                                              -Written by Joseph Rodgers

Here are some photos I took while we were on the trail, and at the two viewpoints:

View of the Lake and the City
 View of the Cascades Mountains
 View of Mt. Rainier
 View of Mt. Rainier