Sunday, October 24, 2010

Welcome To Our Blog !

Now that we've gotten a bit more settled in Seattle, we've launched this blog as a way for everyone to keep in touch with what we are doing out on the West Coast. Joseph is our family 'blogmaster' and has written a few posts below. More posts will follow from everyone in the family. We plan to update this blog regularly with our family activities, updates, and photos.

Also, check out the links to the right - we will be using a website called Flickr as our virtual family photo album, with current photos of our family. (Right now we just have four photos loaded, but more will come). You can follow the link to get to the site.

We also have a link to our YouTube page which has our family videos. These haven't been updated since May, but more current ones will be coming.

                                                                                        -Written by John

1 comment:

  1. Margaret SammutOctober 29, 2010

    Hello Rodgers in Seattle!
    Thanks for a great visit. The new house is so beautiful..inside and out! I'll be brushing up on my "Stratego" skills before the next visit so watch out boys!.
    Aunt Margaret
