Saturday, March 17, 2012

Henry's Science Project

I recently made a science project about cat food! Emerald helped me with the project. 

Here's my project:

Problem: I really like feeding my cat. She really likes to eat. But… we don’t know what kind of food she likes best.  I have asked her but she only says MEOW. Would she really like more expensive food?

Hypothesis:I thought she would like her regular food (Friskies) better than more expensive cat food because she is used to it.

I picked four different kinds of cat food to give to my cat. All of the kinds were TUNA. The most expensive was Fancy Feast. The least expensive was Friskies (Her regular food). The other kinds of food were, Meow mix and Canned tuna (made for Humans to eat). I tested these different kinds of foods 5 times. Each time I put out 4 plates.  I watched her eat her cat food so I could tell which one was her favorite. I rated how much she liked in the table below. I rated them with different numbers of stars. 5 stars is the best and 1 star is the worst.

Here are the results :
My conclusion was:
FANCY FEAST got the most stars so it is my cat’s favorite!!!   Friskies was her least favorite!!!!!
If I fed my cat Fancy feast every time it would cost an extra $1,120.15 each year!!!

Here are some pictures from my project and from the science fair:

This picture is of my cat asking for food

This picture is of my cat eating cat food.

This is a picture of me with my project at the science fair.


Sunday, March 4, 2012

What Henry Has Been Up To Lately

Henry is in second grade at Eastgate Elementary. There are 26 other students in his class ... plus mealworms, milkweed bugs, crickets, and butterflies. No, his classroom is not infested, those creatures (other than the 26 other students) are part of science where he is learning about animal lifecycles. The mealworms have already started turning into beetles and all of the butterflies used to be caterpillars (according to Henry, "black, spiky ones!"). Henry also says (this is all a direct quote): "The milkweed bugs started out as red and black eggs, then they turned into nymphs (which are tiny insects), then they keep getting bigger until they're adults. They're called milkweed bugs because in the wild the only plant they can eat is the milkweed plant. They make cotton and they drink juice out of a seed."

Other topics Henry is learning about include: tables and graphs in Math; acting out a story called "The Tap Dancer" in Language Arts; singing some songs in Music; and painting paper insects in Art. In PE (aka "Gym") last week they did running tests.

Henry gets two recesses every day (except Wednesday). He usually spends his time at recess playing "wall ball" - a sophisticated game involving a tennis ball and a brick wall.

He's looking forward to starting Little League Baseball in a few weeks. He will be on the Dodgers (rhymes with Rodgers).

Jack Plays Basketball

This winter, Jack is playing in a basketball league every Saturday morning/afternoon. There are nine players on the team. Five play at a time, they play 4 10-minute quarters. Jack has gotten very good at setting screens, handling the ball, and playing defense. His team has played about 10 games, and he has gotten about 20 baskets. Here's some video of him taking two foul shots. Jack wears bright orange shorts; his team is navy blue and he wears #9...

Joseph Runs in a 5K

On Saturday, February 25, Joseph ran in his first organized run, the Leap 5K at Marymoor Park in Redmond. Joseph has run the mile in school a few times, and decided to try a longer distance (5K = 3.2 miles). It was cloudy and raining (typical Seattle February day) but Joseph jogged for the entire race, finishing in a little more than 29 minutes. Race results are available at this link (Joseph finished 46th overall out of the 150 runners in the race). Here's Joseph right after the race...