On Saturday April 23 Henry had his best offensive game ever! After taking a walk in his first at bat, he shot a line drive down the LF line past the left-fielder in his second at bat for a home run! In his next at bat he hit it over the center fielder's head for another home run! Then in his next at bat, the other team's manager moved the outfielders back deeper, but Henry hit his furthest one yet, once again over the CF head! Though since they were further back they tracked it down and held Henry to a triple. What a game!
Henry also threw a baserunner out attempting to steal while he was catching, and had three put-outs as a first basemen in another inning.
The Cardinals won the game, 24-7.
Dad happened to be video-ing each of Henry's at bats! Here they are:
Henry's First Homerun
Henry's Second Homerun
Henry's Triple