Sunday, May 19, 2019

Bobcat in Our Backyard

On a Saturday afternoon in May we started hearing birds cawing very loudly and persistently. When we went out to investigate we saw the reason why - they were in an uproar over a bobcat wandering around the neighborhood. He went right through our backyard and then sat for photos in the yard behind ours!

Challenging Mountain Bike Ride

On a beautiful Saturday in May, Henry and Dad did their most challenging mountain bike ride yet. They started from the Rattlesnake Lake parking area and went up the John Wayne Trail to Olallie State Park. There they climbed 1460 feet over the course of a bit more than 2.5 miles to get to a beautiful lookout over Mount Si and the valley below.

The trail was nicely packed dirt with not many rocks or roots.
Lots of switchbacks though!

View from the lookout

Henry riding off on the downhill portion

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Hike to Heybrook Lookout

Joseph returned home from his junior year of Michigan on Thursday, and had a short three days at home before heading off to Mexico for Blue Lab work.

On Saturday, four of us (all minus Jack) went on an old-fashioned hike, the type of which we hadn't done lately. We went up to a hike near Index off Route 2, to Heybrook Lookout, which is a fire lookout about midway between Monroe and Stevens Pass. It's a 1.3 mile hike up to the lookout, and then you can climb up about 60 feet to the top. It was very clear which allowed for some great views of the surrounding mountains.

Lots of great photos from the afternoon!

Fire Lookout at the Top of the Peak

Starting the Hike

Joseph & Henry Near the Top
(Joseph is still barely taller than Henry, who somehow stood on higher ground)

April Sunset

April, May, and June usually bring the best sunsets of the year. An added bonus for April is that there is still snow on the Olympic Mountains in the distance, making for a photogenic shot!