Sunday, October 25, 2020

Blog Turns Ten !

This blog debuted on October 23, 2010, ten years ago!! Since then, there have been 380 posts spanning countless hikes, ski trips, bike rides, and vacations. 

Little-known trivia which perhaps will be featured in a future Jeopardy episode ... the "Welcome To Our Blog" post was actually was the fourth post ever, the first post was for our hike up Tiger Mountain.

Monday, October 19, 2020

Rainy Autumn Days!

 With every weekend bringing heavy clouds and rain, we haven't had as much of a chance to get outdoors as we usually do. In early August, Mary Jo, John, and Henry did go for a hike to Talus Rocks, which John and Joseph had done four years earlier. It was a bit steeper of a hike than expected, and it was raining fairly hard by the end. We all got pretty wet.