Sunday, May 30, 2021

Skiing on Memorial Day

Jack and John went down to Crystal for a final day of the ski season. It was a beautiful Memorial Day weekend, and even on the mountain it was warm (mid-60s) and very clear. The snow was a bit chunky, which led to tired legs at the end of the day!

Skiing until the snow runs out!

A Spring Evening In Our Backyard

We continue to enjoy the newly remodeled (year-old now) backyard. A few photos from a late May evening...

A bumble bee visited our pink flowers

Wilson resting

A bed of flowers as the rhododendron is finishing its bloom

A meerkat keeps us safe

Culinary Delight

To help out during Mary Jo's second week of chemo, Jack made his first meal for the family. He was ambitious, and made Spaghetti Carbonara. It turned out really good!

Monday, May 24, 2021

A River Runs Through It (Our Front Yard)

Mary Jo created a river of rocks in the mulch bed, snaking around the flowers and trees!

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Tuesday, May 18, 2021

Ducks at Robinswood

John and Mary Jo have been taking walks at night, mostly at flat places like down by Tyee or at Robinswood Park. On Sunday night, we stopped on our walk at the pond at Robinswood, and watched lots of ducks, many with ducklings, swim and walk around us.

Saturday, May 15, 2021

Rhododendron Blooming

Every May, the pink rhododendron in our backyard bursts into bloom. And shortly thereafter, I take some photos. Though they pretty much look the same every year :-)




First Session at Overlake

Saturday, May 8, 2021

Night Away at the Woodmark

It's been a very stressful two weeks, and with Mary Jo's Chemo starting on Tuesday, we "got away" for a night and stayed on Lake Washington at the Woodmark Hotel, with a dinner at one of our favorite spots, Le Grand Bistro Americain. A glorious evening!

Another Cougar Mountain Hike

Saturday, May 1, after a difficult week finding out about Mary Jo's cancer diagnosis, we did another hike in Cougar Mountain Park. We have done most of the easier trails close to parking areas; most of what we have left are longer hikes, so it may be a while before we pick it up again. 

Henry Goes Back to (In-Person!) School

In March, 2020, Bellevue School District moved to remote-only instruction. It's been a long year-plus, and now, with cases declining and vaccines broadly available, they have moved back to a small amount of in-person instruction. Henry went in on Thursday, April 8 for a couple of hours, and then, a week after break, returned for good two days a week the week of April 26.