Thursday, April 7, 2011

4/5 - Spring Break Trip - Part 5

                DAY 5 – It’s our fifth day on our big spring break driving trip, and we’re leaving Jackson, Wyoming. After grabbing a quick breakfast in our hotel, we checked out and headed for our first destination – the Idaho Potato Museum, in Blackfoot, ID. It’s not a giant place, but it had the basic history of how the potato came to Idaho, how it’s planted, how it’s harvested, stuff about French fries, potato chips, and lots of other potato information. After that, we headed towards Craters of the Moon National Monument. On the way, we drove through Butte City, Idaho. It had a huge population of 76 people. Then, we drove through Arco, ID. Arco was the first city in the world powered by only nuclear energy. Finally, we arrived at our second stop of the day – Craters of the Moon National Monument. Craters of the Moon is a neat landscape of tons of mini craters on the ground, making it look a little like the moon. While we were there, there was snow in most of the craters, but we couldn’t tell if it made it look any better or worse. We went inside the visitor center, and took a walk about a half-mile along the road inside the park, which was closed in the winter (April is winter in Idaho). After leaving behind the lunar landscape, we headed to Boise, Idaho, where our hotel was. Boise is the largest city in Idaho, as well as the state capital. After arriving in Boise and eating dinner at Outback Steakhouse, we fell asleep for the last time on the trip.

 It's snowing as we leave our hotel
 The Idaho Potato Museum
 The world's largest potato crisp

(ID Potato Mus.)
 View from Craters of the Moon National Monument
 "Craters on the Moon"

(Craters of the Moon Nat'l Mon.)
 View of mountains and valley in Idaho
Clouds and mountains in Idaho

Our trip is almost over. Tomorrow, we arrive home around 6:00 PM. Make sure to check days 1-4 (below) if you haven't already.


  1. Aunt JoanMay 01, 2011

    I really enjoyed reading about your trip.
    Sounded great and it seems everyone had a good
    time. Enjoyed the pictures too! Love, AuntJoan
