Sunday, April 21, 2013

Jack and Henry's Science Fairs

This spring both Jack and Henry did science projects for their school science fairs.

Jack's project was an analysis of web browser speeds. Jack tested four different websites on five different browsers. He timed how long it took for each website (e.g.,, to fully load using Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Maxthon.

He found that Internet Explorer was the fastest loading browser of any of the ones he tested.

Henry's project was on whether soaking seeds before planting them would cause the seeds to grow into plants faster. He tested five different types of seeds - pepper, tomato, cucumber, and green bean. He took some of each type of seed and soaked them for 24 hours, some others he soaked for 2 hours, and some others he didn't soak at all. He found that the seeds that were soaked grew faster and taller than seeds that hadn't been soaked.

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