Thursday, October 9, 2014

Interlake Shines in Cross-Country

Joseph has become a key member of the Interlake Cross-Country team this fall, making Varsity (top seven runners) and usually finishing fourth or fifth on his team. The top five finishers count to determine which school wins the meet, so his times have been important in helping Interlake off to a great start.

He's also got to run in some neat races. He's gone on overnight meets to Port Angeles (Salt Creek Invitational), which Interlake came in first place at (out of eleven schools), and also went to the Nike Pre-Nationals in Portland. KingCounty and District are still to come, and if they finish among the top schools in District they'll move on to State.

Joseph's best time was last Saturday at the Twilight Invitational in Marysville, where he ran a 5K (3.2 miles) in 17 minutes, 1 second.

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