Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fathers' Day 2017

Jack had another doubleheader on Fathers' Day, this one up in Burlington, against the Burlington Sox. Henry came up as well and I decided to split Fathers' Day into time with Henry and time with Jack.

Jack wasn't starting Game 1, and since Henry, Mary Jo, and I had brought our bikes up, we went off to ride on a beautiful trail right along the Puget Sound. The weather was a bit dreary, but the ride was about 2 miles each direction right along the water. Henry also got the chance to discover a geocache on the ride as well!

Mary Jo biking; heron in the water
Jack was brought in as a relief pitcher in the sixth inning of Game 1. The bases were loaded with two outs, with Lakeside already down 4-1. While Dad, Mom, and Henry followed online from the car, he struck out the batter on three pitches. Lakeside came back with 6 runs the following inning and won the game 6-4! Jack, as the pitcher of record when the winning run scored, got the win.

Jack then was the starting pitcher in Game 2. Lakeside got their bats going in this game, and jumped out to a big lead on their way to a 16-5 victory. Jack pitched the full 5 innings, much of it through the rain, stopping to clear the mud from his cleats on the mound a few times.

So Lakeside swept the doubleheader, with Jack getting credit for the victory in both games!

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