Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Amazon Spheres Open

The Amazon Spheres opened in late January, and John was able to walk through them the following week on February 5. They are very neat, similar to a botanical garden but with lots of places to hang out, relax, and get some work done.

Here are some photos of the Spheres taken through the months while construction was going on:

Under construction - August, 2016

Still under construction - November, 2016

Still almost a year from being complete - March, 2017

"Finished" - February, 2018

Inside of the spheres - lots of places to chat and work -
both tables and chairs as well as just sofas and comfy chairs

Plants and flowers galore

More places to chat and hang out

Very tall tree that was added after the spheres were built - dropped in
by crane through an opening in the top

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