Saturday, March 17, 2018

Joseph Travels to Mexico

For the University of Michigan's Spring Break, Joseph traveled with his engineering club "Blue Lab" to Mexico City to work with a Mexican corporation on the project they have been working on. Here are some photos from the trip, along with descriptions Joseph provided:

This is the sensor prototype that we sent down! It measures H2S and methane from the air; here we have it hooked up to a tube of biogas for calibration. The sensor didn't work great when we arrived, but thankfully two of the four people on the trip had worked with it before so we were able to get it running accurately by the end.

The black bag on the ground is a biodigester set up by our partner, Sistema Biobolsa, in a park/community center area in downtown Mexico City. This is where we did a lot of our calibration and testing.

This is the top tower of the castle in Mexico City, in a big green park near our hotel. The castle was home to the emperor of Mexico and later its presidents until it became a history museum in the 1930's. 
This is the Angel statue, also near our hotel and in the financial district 

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