Sunday, June 20, 2021

Quick Trip to Long Island

John took a super-quick trip to Long Island to attend one of the final Islander games at the Coliseum. He flew out on the red-eye Friday night, landing at 6am Saturday morning. After picking up a rental car, he drove to get bagels at A&S in Franklin Square, and from there went down to Jones Beach, where he sat on the beach for an hour or so. From there he drove up to Seaford and then up to Janet’s new apartment, where he met Janet, Mom, Meghan, and Tommy for a nice lunch at Skippers in downtown Northport. The kids peeled off then and then Janet, Mom, and John walked down the dock at Northport and then hung out at Janet’s apartment for a bit. Then it was getting to be gametime – and Janet and John got pizza at Taralos (comleting the hat trick of John’s ideal New York activities – bagels, berach, and pizza) and ‘tailgaaated’ in the Coliseum parking lot.

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