Sunday, July 24, 2022

Mega-Hike to Pete Lake and Beyond!

On Saturday, Henry and Dad took what wound up being one of their longest hikes in recent memory, a 15-mile hike to Pete Lake and beyond.

The Pete Lake trail is a somewhat obscure hike east of the Pass north of Roslyn. It was about an hour-forty-five minute drive to the trailhead, and then a relatively flat hike to the lake, which is a big backpacking destination, so most of the other hikers were toting large packs. (We also saw a few horses on the trail, as it's a somewhat popular horseback-riding destination.)

The trail was well-maintained, with several shallow streams to be forded. And the lake was beautiful, with snow-capped mountains beyond it. We made very good time to the lake, so decided to go on beyond it, on to a stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail, which goes from the Mexican border to the Canadian border. We wound up hiking to a nice clearing with some waterfalls coming down that was stunning!

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