Monday, September 7, 2020

Top Ten Seattle Hikes - COMPLETED!

At the start of this summer, we found a list of the top ten hikes around Seattle. We had already completed three of them, and decided to see if we could do the remaining seven over the course of the summer. On Labor Day weekend, we completed the last hike on the list! In total, the hikes involved about 75 miles of hiking and countless switchbacks, lakes, and vistas. 

The list, which can be found here, includes the following hikes:

1. Rattlesnake Ledge - hiked Feb. 2011 - blog post here
2. Mount Si - hiked June, 2019 - blog post here
3. Mt. Pilchuck - hiked 7/11/20 - blog post here
4. Ebey's Landing - hiked 6/28/20 - blog post here
5. Summerland - hiked 8/14/20 - blog post here
6. Chain Lakes Loop - hiked 8/22/20 - blog post here
7. Dungeness Spit - hiked May 2011 - blog post here
8. Kendall Katwalk - hiked 8/1/20 - blog post here
9. Maple Pass Loop - hiked 9/6/20 - blog post here
10. The Enchantments - hiked 8/29/20 - blog post here

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